vendredi 14 janvier 2011

The Power is in the Vag!

Connaissez-vous Vag Magazine? Sinon, il faut absolument que vous écoutiez ça!

Vag Magazine est une web-série (anglophone et états-unienne) satirique dépeignant une bande de féministes "3ème vague" qui créent un magazine. Définitivement dans l'autodérision, mais en restant dans le gentil, cette série là me fait pisser de rire!

"VAG MAGAZINE is not your grandma's feminist magazine, though we support her as a woman. Go behind the scenes at this hipster third-wave feminist magazine with founders FENNEL, SYLVIE, and BETHANY, staffers HEAVY FLO (a hero on the roller derby circuit), REBA (truly a legend of gonzo feminist pop culture journalism), and MEGHAN (the lone holdover from fashion magazine Gemma, which the Vag founders bought out with the proceeds from their Etsy shop), as well as enthusiastic intern KIT, as they teach you how to be a better woman."

Voilà le premier épisode, les autres se trouvent ici.

Vag Magazine Episode 1: "Fumbling Toward Ecstasy" from Vag Magazine on Vimeo.

En bonus, notre top 5 des meilleures répliques:

5- The power is in the Vag

4- You'll neeeeever be cunts, you'll never smell like cunts, you'll never feel like cunts...(Ep.4)

3- Kit! Take off that skirt. You're like a tool of the patriarchy. (Ep.2)

2-The patriarchy wants us to plug it up, but I let it flow free like a river of womanhood. (Ep.3) (à propos des menstruations)

1- Bettany -Jaybird, what are you doing here?
Jaybird - Smashing the patriarchy. It's what I do everywhere. (Ep.6)

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